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PS1 Experience Talk

GDSC collaborated with the PS Division to host this talk, which saw six seniors, from various disciplines sharing their experience. They offered valuable insights into the selection process of stations, pointed out key skills or tech stack needed to enhance one's CV. Furthermore, the session shed light on the critical skills they developed during their time in the program and the overall benefits they garnered from their participation.

The seniors gave a peek into how what they learned in college helped them at work, especially focusing on which courses they took in their first two years of college were useful for their jobs. Attendees were encouraged to ask their queries to the speakers, who answered them to the best of their abilities.

Speakers at the Event:

Name Company Name Online/Offline Discipline
Sanvit Katrekar Veehive Online CS
Riddhi Goswami Emirates On-site CS
Avani Kottalgi Fidelity Insurance Introduced, On-site CS
Rishabh Somani Indian Oil Corporation Introduced, On-site Chemical
Tvisha Sethi Cipla Introduced, On-site Biotech
Saanchi Kasar Unique World Robotics On-site Biotech


Link to Recording